Group exhibition with work by Justin Bennett at kunstencentrum nona

28/04 – 08/05/2022

Opening: 27/04/2022, 19-21h

Opening on the Annual Interna­ti­onal Noise Awareness Day (27/​04), the exhibi­tion NOISENOI­SENOISE brings together the artistic practices of six Belgian and interna­ti­onal artists who deal with the importance of our relati­onship with sound environ­ment. Rather than coming face to face with the brute force of the often ubiqui­tous noise that surrounds us, these artists bring aesthe­tics that in a minimal but accessible way stimulate our reflec­tion on how we produce, undergo, collect and interna­lize sounds.

NOISENOI­SENOISE is a group exhibi­tion with works by Justin Bennett, Line Boogaerts, Edith Dekyndt, Lise Harlev, Lukas Marxt, and Semicon­ductor.

Curated by Andrea Cinel.

kunsten­cen­trum nona – gouden zaal,
Begijnen­straat 27,
2800 Mechelen

Open from Wednesday until Sunday: 13 – 18h

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