Le Déracinement

Group exhibition with Vincent Meessen at Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture, Hasselt

06/03 – 16/05/2021

Migration and diasporas have been defining the European cultural landscape since its very foundation. The exhibition Le Déracinement disentangles Europe’s ambiguous relationship with its multiple outsides, starting from North Africa and the Mediterranean and continuing on to the Congo, the Caribbean, and ultimately French Guiana, where the EU has its most distant border. The artists uncover forgotten histories of resistance, friendship and solidarity enacted in between worlds. And not as reconstructions, but as poetic explorations.

Meessen will be presenting his work Miss Interdépendances (2019), which was created especially for the Lubumbashi Biennale 2019, curated by Sandrine Colard, and based on archival documents from one of the historical founders of the Association des Mulâtres et gens de couleurs de Belgique (AMB, ‘Association of Mulatto and coloured people of Belgium’).

Participating artists

Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc, Francis Alÿs, Yto Barrada, Anna Boghiguian, Pierre Bourdieu, Fatma Bucak, Mohamed Bourouissa, Raphaël Grisey & Bouba Touré, Kapwani Kiwanga, Vincent Meessen, Sara Ouhaddou, Lydia Ourahmane, The Otolith Group — Anjalika Sagar & Kodwo Eshun, Mounira Al Solh, Lorenzo Pezzani/Hostile Environment(s).

Curatorial team

Curator: Silvia Franceschini
Curatorial Assistant: Jeanne Coppens


Bonnefantenstraat 1

3500 Hasselt

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